One of the most important companies in Spain in the production and marketing of poultry.
Its origins, almost 60 years ago, shows us a business trajectory based on the work and growth of the services to give satisfaction to its customer. Its beginnings date from the middle of the 20th century, with a farm dedicated to the cultivation of carnations in a country house in the city of Vila-Real called La Florida. From this place, the company acquires the name, which in 1956, started the poultry activity. Florida Products began with the creation of a feed mill and incubation room of embryonated eggs.
Gradually, the company was growing and expanding, covering all the activities of breeding, slaughtering poultry and meat treatment for its distribution, becoming an integrated production of poultry meat, “from the field to the table”, since 1970.
From that moment, Florida Products has progressed in the expansion and modernization of the feed mill, feed which comes from the chicken, expanding meat distribution headquarters and in all the cutting-edge technological, sanitary, and quality adaptations which ranks the company among the most important ones in the national market.
Currently, Florida products with its brands “Pico de Oro” y “Señor Pollo”, is located in one of the maximum production positions of Spain.
Strategic Plan
Florida Products has been characterized since its Foundation, for being a dynamic company and with the ambition to offer the best product in the production and marketing of chicken meat.
This has been achieved thanks to three large commitments:
- – Commitment to quality in the business management.
- – Commitment to give value to the well done job by a modern and technical profesional team with concerns for being the lastest in all aspects of the business, from the livestock production to the most modern techniques of processing meat.
- – Commitment to develop a consolidated company, with an intended strategic planning, giving reliability and confidence to both customers and employees.
60% of Florida Products customers are retail chains, the rest are retailers. This fact, makes possible to purchase chicken meat from the company’s brands: “Pico de Oro” and “La Excelencia Pico de Oro”in all the different parts of Spain.
With this chain of production and distribution and the commitment to offer always the best quality and reliability in the management and handling processes, Florida Products have designed an Annual Strategic Plan which allows the company to focus in the future with planning and ensuring its customers to improve the quality of the meat they consume.
In the coming years, our strategic lines will be:
- – To gain market share. In the past two years, despite the crisis, the company has grown by 30%, thanks to the commercial efforts and quality. From now on, this growth must continue progressing.
- – To consolidate the delegations of distribution, especially of recent expansion.
- – Bet on new food innovation projects which bring closet more products to the palates of consumers.